Forts along the Gulf Coast
• First the Spanish built them to protect their “claim”
• One was overtaken by the British on behalf of Native Americans
• Some were taken over by the French, until the Louisiana purchase made them American
• Several changed hands during the Civil War
• Some still protect the US from other countries
• Some were built to protect shipping from pirates
Hurricanes, storms, and flooding
100 plus mph winds rip things apart, scatter houses and people’s lives in all directions
Storm surges send ships and boats inland and leave them broken and stranded
Dykes and levees are built to protect low lying areas, but are not failproof
People may own the land, but lose their homes and possessions again and again
People may have a deed to land, but it washes out to sea
Shifting sand dunes can bury a house
Rivers change course again and again
More about Hurricane disasters in a later post!!